The information presented below can be cited as: Bücs Sz.L., Stan O. (2018): Preliminary data about the chiropterofauna of East Parc, Cluj-Napoca. #rd Romanian National Bat Conference, 18-21 october 2018, volume of abstracts p. 7.
Photos: Szilárd-Lehel Bücs, Levente Barti, Dénes Dobrosi
The concept of urban protected areas is spreading in the last few years, particularly in crowded metropolitan areas, where it is important to preserve some “patches of nature” with habitats and representative species. A recent Romanian example is the Văcărești Natural Park in Bucharest, officially established in 2016.
The East Park of Cluj-Napoca is located on the eastern outskirts of the city, being a semi-wild area of approx. 70-100 ha, composed of water surfaces (several lakes and canals) surrounded by reedbeds, trees and shrubs. From the existing faunistic data, it is clear that the East Park harbors a significant biodiversity, for example in the case of birds and lepidopterans.
Due to the intensive real estate expansion in Cluj-Napoca, including the East Park area, as well as due to the negative effects on habitats and species of these activities, we decided to initiate a chiropterological study, thus contributing with concrete data to the biodiversity of the area.
In August 2018 we performed ultrasound recording transects for bats hunting around Lakes no. 1 and no. 2 from the East Park. The two lakes are most exposed to anthropogenic impact, Lake no. 1 being completely surrounded by intensely circulated roads, shopping centers and flats, with no sections in complete darkness or lacking disturbance. Lake no. 2 is less modified, although it is also partly surrounded by flats and playgrounds. In total we recorded 50 ultrasounds, respectively 17 at Lacul nr. 1 and 33 at Lacul nr. 2. For recording, we used a D240X (Pettersson Elektronik AB) detector combined with an R-09HR (Edirol) recorder. Files were analyzed using the BatSound (Pettersson Elektronik AB) software, based on criteria from the literature (ex. Barataud 2015).
By analyzing ultrasound files we have identified in total seven bat species present in the area of Lakes no. 1 and no. 2., most of them being species adapted to the urban environment. Recorded ultrasounds also include social calls of the noctule (N. noctula). In addition, Daubenton’s bat (M. daubentonii) was observed hunting over the surface of both lakes. Throughout the assessment, a constant intensive activity was observed, with bats hunting even above semi-illuminated water surfaces.
- Daubenton’s bat (Myotis daubentonii)
- Pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pipistrellus)
- Noctule (Nyctalus noctula)
- Soprano pipistrelle (Pipistrellus pygmaeus)
- Serotine (Eptesicus serotinus)
- Kuhl’s pipistrelle (Pipistrellus kuhlii)
- Party-colored bat (Vespertilio murinus)
Based on the preliminary study, and considering the localization of the area, we can say that East Park offers feeding habitats for a high diversity of bats, for 7 of the 32 Romania species. In comparison, the Văcăreşti Natural Park is used as a feeding habitat by a min. 8 bat species (Măntoiu D. – pers. comm.). This diversity is also explained by the fact that several species of bats are well adapted to the urban environment (ex. N. noctula, P. pipistrellus), tolerant of a certain level of disturbance and illumination, and some species (ex. V. murinus) even prefer to hunt around lighting poles.
However, we consider that the number of bat species identified in the East Park in the present study represents a minimum value for the area, due to the fact that these results were obtained only by evaluating the most anthropogenic of the Park lakes. The other water bodies and habitats in the north-eastern corner of the area have a lower degree of modification, are not surrounded by buildings, and the level of artificial illumination around them is low. Thus, in 2019 we will continue the study using various methods (automatic full night recording, capturing bats with mist-nets, identification of natural and artificial roosts, etc.). We expect an increase in the number of bat species present in the Eastern Park habitats.
Given that all Romanian bat species are protected by multiple legislation (ex. through the EUROBATS Agreement / Law 90/2000), potential housing developments must take into account the sustainable conservation of the biodiversity of East Park.