Every year, the Foundation “Luana’s Dream”, together with Wilderness Research and Conservation Association, conducts the joint programme of “Bat protection and research”, and intervenes in cases of bats in danger.

In the winter period bats hibernate and they need a quiet environment in order not to consume their fat reserves accumulated during the summer and autumn periods. Some bat species migrate from southern Russia to Romania in order to hibernate at optimum temperatures. Given the fact that old-growth forests gradually disappeared from the wild, bats have adapted to the new environment or cities, finding shelter in various parts and cracks of buildings.

Since the beginning of the programme (2014) there was not a single cold period where we did not need to relocate a bat colony Nyctalus noctula, from buildings in renovation or construction. This year the bats at the Luana Foundation need feeding again. Luana Clinical Center shelters currently 350 N. noctula, a record number for these events. The organizers invite you to learn more about these animals and help them to get fed.

Date: Thursday, December 22nd, 2016

Location: Str. Caesar Bolliac ne. 12, 031749 Bucharest, Romania

The feeding will be held in three stages of 20 volunteers per stage, between 12:00-2:00 PM, 2:00-4:00 PM, 4:00-6:00 PM, and, depending on the  results, a supplementary feeding and cleaning stage, between 6:00-8:00 PM.

You can signal your participation online, and also click “join” to the event on Facebook and put your data in the following spreadsheet:


During the event you will receive information on the ecology of these animals from our colleague Dragoș Măntoiu. You will be given also basic safety instructions, and ideas on how best to feed bats safely, under the guidance of Dr. Med. Vet. Ovidiu Roșu.


Wear as little perfume as possibile (both for the sake of the bats and the rest of the people in the room);

Pictures should be taken only without flash;

As little noise around bats, as possible.

Important: If there will be not enough volunteers, you can stay overtime, and help the other groups.