We continue to present to you our sponsors and contributors. Today we visit the Warwickshire area in Great Britain, where the Warwickshire bat group is active since the 80’s.

Warwickshire Bat Group is one of the UK’s county-based bat groups and is a Partner Group of the UK’s national bat conservation charity, the Bat Conservation Trust. It is a group of volunteers who seek to participate in and promote the conservation of bats and their habitats in Warwickshire.

The Group was first formed in the mid 1980s by Mick Finnemore of Warwickshire Wildlife Trust and fellow enthusiasts and for a number of years it was run by Wildlife Trust staff alongside their official Trust work. By the mid 1990s the Bat Group had grown and become an entirely separate organisation. Today the Group has a membership of around 70 people and still enjoys a close working relationship with the Wildlife Trust.

The objectives of the group are to:

  • Advance the protection and conservation of bats, their roosts, feeding areas and hibernacula in the areas of Warwickshire, Coventry and Solihull;
  • Educate the Group’s members and the general public in all matters relating to bats;
  • Actively participate in the research and recording of bats in Warwickshire, Coventry and Solihull;
  • Train members in the identification, care, and handling of bats and as licensed bat workers;
  • Provide a network of volunteers who are able to care for grounded and injured bats.

Membership of the group is quite mixed, from professional ecologists to enthusiastic amateurs and people who simply joined the group in order to find out more about bats.

We are grateful for the significant contribution made towards the project “Uniting the efforts of Romanian bat conservation”, the bat portal Lilieci.ro, the 2nd National Bat Research Conference.

1 reply
  1. Tricia Scott
    Tricia Scott says:

    Thank you Szilard. Our group is proud to support your excellent project and we look forward to meeting you and some of Romania’s wonderful range of bats later this year

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