The fact that bats are very beneficial for us, mankind, we know already. Or if you do not know it yet, it is very important that you learn about this benefit (keywords: mosquitoes, chocolate, tequila). But why do we need to protect bats? Why is there legal protection? And especially if there is a legal protection, why does bat protection require our personal contribution?
We can encounter bats everywhere. In caves, forests, cities and yes, even in our houses, the attics or cellars of buildings. But this should not worry us, especially because the legends regarding bats are merely legends. Instead, we should be happy because of the presence of bats. We should be extremely happy, because the activity and presence of bats is highly beneficial for us, mankind.
Romania’s bats form one of the most important and diverse bat populations in Europe. This importance is due to the great number of species and the size of colonies. Equally important is the fact that in Romania there are still natural habitats, clean rivers, large undisturbed and old forests, as well as naturally or artificially protected caves.