From small to big – how we learn about the Iron Gates

In 2024 the CBRC implemented a project in the Iron Gates Nature Park, financed by the Environmental Partnership Foundation and MOL Romania.

From small to big – together for the nature of the Iron Gates

The project is funded by the Environmental Partnership Foundation and MOL Romania, implemented by the CBRC and the Iron Gates Nature Park.

The lesser horseshoe bat, bat of the years 2024-2025

It was a close race, but collecting 38% of the votes and Likes, the lesser horseshoe bat becomes the Bat of the years 2024-2025 in Romania.

CHIROHUB: the database of Romanian and Moldovan bat data

The database of Romanian and Moldovan bat data is created by experts of the CBRC and the Myotis Group, as well as experts from Moldova.

Bat of the year 2024-2025

Until February 11th, vote for your favorite from three species in the competition for the title of Bat of the Year 2024-2025 in Romania.

The bat caravan

The Bat Caravan initiative is created and organized by our most active volunteer, Ana Stamatescu, with the support of the CBRC.

The gray long-eared bat – bat of 2022-2023

The gray long-eared bat was voted at the end of January as Bat of 2022-2023 in Romania with more than 50% of the votes.

Bat of 2022-2023 in Romania

The season has arrived when you can vote for the Bat of 2022-2023 in Romania. Voting runs until January 31st midnight.

The Danube in the Iron Gates: where bats and people meet!

Romanian-Serbian teams research the bats of the Danube in the Iron Gates. Their goal: to conserve these colonies of continental importance.

The IVth Romanian Bat Research Conference

On October 31th, 2020, the IVth Romanian Bat Research Conference took place online, organized by the Centre for Bat Research and Conservation, together with Wilderness Research and Conservation.